The MIT Portugal Program is an international collaboration that demonstrates an investment in science, technology, and higher education can have a positive, lasting impact on the economy. We aim to address key societal issues through quality education and research.

Driving innovation through integrated EXPLORATORY research!
The MIT Portugal Partnership 2030 (MPP2030) is inviting proposals for the 2024 Exploratory Research Proposals, between December 2, 2024 and January 22, 2025. This is the fourth call for Exploratory projects launched under the third phase of the Program that started in 2018 (MIT Portugal Partnership 2030) and funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).
Save the Date for the 2024 Annual Conference "Ideas to Impact" on November 8, 2024, in Coimbra, Portugal.
The 2024 call for proposals by the MIT Portugal Program welcomed submissions for innovative projects that have the potential to benefit Portugal in one of four core research areas as well as projects in other research areas that aim to benefit to the Portuguese people. The Program has awarded seed grants to 16 collaborative projects between MIT and Portuguese researchers, for one to two years.
The call for the 2024 Marine Robotics Summer School is now open. The 4th annual Marine Robotics Summer School will take place from July 8 – 19 at Faial Island, in the Azores. The summer school is open to up to 24 students from MIT and Portuguese universities.
MIT Portugal PhD candidates
Together with FCT, the MPP is opening a call, every year, to fund PhD candidates that would like to conduct research in one of the strategic areas supported by the MIT Portugal Program.
MPP2030 focuses on fostering research between MIT and Portuguese universities, research institutes, laboratories, companies, and other entities in the areas of:
The MIT Portugal Program promotes a series of activities—“idea sprints”—from workshops to competitions that challenge the community to continually engage with cutting edge research and ideas.