Today we can imagine-design-make essentially in real-time. Human-centered design has inspirational effects and societal relevance, which has changed how design is seen and valued. Technology—particularly digital technology and additive manufacturing—are providing a set of valuable tools to create new design possibilities.
Within this research topic, research includes multiple aspects of the digital transformation that enables new integrated approaches for adaptive design, manufacturing, and sustainable solutions.
We seek projects to develop cyber-physical products and systems that assure improved user experiences and value creation for our society and economy. In this context, we are soliciting strategies for Designing at the Speed of Thought.
Synergies are encouraged for research in Area #3 and Areas #1 and #2, for example: to design, manufacture, and launch revolutionary Wafer Satellites and MicroSat constellations focused on land and ocean use, algae blooms, top soil erosion, regenerative aqua, and agriculture.