2019 Annual Conference
The Atlantic as a platform
for science & technological impact
September 30th
Student Sponsorship
Current Status: All sponsorship announcements have been made as of August 23, 2019.
The MIT Portugal Program will provide a student sponsorship (200.00 €) for a limited number of students to support their participation in the 2019 Annual Conference.
The sponsorship is given on a competitive basis for students with accepted abstracts/posters.
Please read the details below carefully on how to apply for the sponsorship.
How to apply?
Student applicants must:
- have submitted their abstract before August 16, 2019;
- have their abstract accepted for the poster session;
- be doing research related to the research topics of MPP2030;
- be a full-time grad student in a Portuguese higher-education institution;
Student Sponsorship Rules
- Students supported by this sponsorship are exempt from paying the registration fee;
- Travel subsidies are provided AFTER you have completed the conference in its entirety.
- They are intended to subsidize your travel expenses and not to cover them completely.
- In order to ensure that you will receive your student subsidy, please email Leah Lovgren with proof of the purchase of a round trip ticket to the Azores, showing your name as the passenger and dates close to the time of the conference.
- The round trip ticket in your name, within the specified date range and regardless of the price, is absolutely required to prove your eligibility for the sponsorship.
- In addition to the flight ticket, you may submit your hotel/lodging receipt as long as it reflects the same name and is for the date of the conference.
- The name on the ticket will match the payee on the reimbursement check, which will be written in US dollars and mailed out in October 2019.
- Please also provide us with your postal address, since we are going to mail you the check.
- IMPORTANT: We cannot process wire transfers or direct deposits – no special circumstances. Please ensure that you can receive and deposit a printed check from MIT before you apply for the scholarship.
In summary:
As a grad student enrolled in a Portuguese university and working on a topic related to the research areas of MPP2030, you are encouraged to apply for 200.00 € in subsidy.
Important dates (deadlines)
- August 16, 2019: Single-page abstract submission for sponsorship application
- August 23, 2019: Sponsorship notifications