Lego Serious Play workshop on Digital Transformation
Monday, July 8, 2019
University of Minho – Campus de Azurem
The MIT Portugal Program is organizing a Lego Serious Play workshop on Digital Transformation next July 8th at University of Minho – Campus de Azurem.
Lego Serious Play is a hands-on workshop in Lego play designed to enhance your innovation in communication, creativity and building shared mental models. Here, participants are encouraged to pause, reflect and play, and to think about how learning and work can be enhanced by being more open to all forms of innovation! The goal is to create and present symbolic and metaphorical models from Lego bricks among the participants to achieve a common understanding of a question or topic.
The workshop is free, but the number of spaces available is limited. Confirmation of the accepted participants will be given by email on june 10th. There will be a session starting at 9:30 am and another at 2:30pm to which participants will be assigned in order to achieve and maintain the heterogeneity of the group.
Consult more details about the workshop: LSP_short_abstract.pdf
Please contact if you have further questions.